Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mulberry Cuttings

As mentioned in my Mulberry Plant post, the mulberry's branches were getting heavier and I had cut them away and stuck them into a pot of soil together with my other cuttings from lemon tree, avocado tree, soursop tree and custard apple tree.

I placed all the cuttings into a bigger pot because I have no idea whether they will root or not. I don't have that many pots to place cuttings into individual pots. The only thing is that I need to remember the soursop and custard apple cuttings because they looked alike. I didn't use rooting hormone because I don't think it is necessary. I have tried using rooting hormone but it is not 100% that the cutting will root. I used a transparent plastic bag to cover the pot to keep the soil moist.

Mulberry cuttings
Mulberry cuttings
I will wait till new shoots or leaves to appear before transplanting to individual pots. But I know I will need to be careful not to damage any roots during transplanting.

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