Monday, January 16, 2017


It has been almost four weeks since I got the mulberry plant from JEM NTUC Fairprice. The plant had a lot of small green berries when I bought it. After I acclimatised the plant in partial shade to full sunlight, the plant has gradually regained its glory. I did a prune to get rid of the heavier branches and put the cuttings into soil to propagate more mulberry plants.

It is amazing to see the little green berries growing bigger and longer each day and turning from green to red and then to dark purple. The first two berries I tasted were a bit sour. After four weeks, I tasted another two dark purple berries but this time they were longer and bigger. They felt a bit soft. I washed them and put them into my mouth. Wow!!! They are very sweet. This plant is a keeper!

On the left, ready to eat (dark purple)
On the left, ready to eat (dark purple)

I would strongly recommended people to get the mulberry plant and they will be able to have organic and pesticide free mulberries year round. They are fresh and definitely you will be able to control the ripeness of the berries. However, mulberry plant or tree needs full sun to grow properly. If you don't have the condition to grow it, I don't recommend that you buy them. It will be a waste of money.

Once my cuttings are growing well, I will definitely repot the current plant into a bigger pot. However, I will not be getting sunlight at the balcony from April to September. So, I hope that from now to March, the mulberry plant can grow bigger and hopefully can withstand the period that there is no direct sunlight. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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